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Neighborhood Club Bizzy Bees

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 This program returns Tuesday, October 1, 2024!

Join Ms. Jen in the Neighborhood Club gymnasium for our Bizzy Bees program, where parents and children under 5 can come together for a fun-filled playtime! This program is designed to foster social connections as families meet new friends while engaging in interactive toys and games. It’s a wonderful opportunity for little ones to explore, learn, and play in a supportive environment. We can’t wait to see you there!.  This program coincides with Toddler Splash times.


Tuesdays, 9:00 am - 11:00 am & Fridays, 11:15 am - 1:15 pm

Just drop in!

Location: NCRWC, Gymnasium

Fee:          Family Members: FREE, Non-Member: $10/one child, $5/each additional child

Contact Jen Cotzias with any questions:

If Grosse Pointe Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather,

Bizzy Bees will be cancelled for the day.

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